Afua Adusei-Poku-Erken
“A people without the knowledge of their origins remain a people with a deep yearning for home.” – A.A-P-E.
About Afua Adusei-Poku-Erken
Afua has always been intrigued by the dynamics of human interaction and their deeper meaning, as well as the motives of mankind. Being brought up internationally has enabled her to learn from and experience the abundance and the lack the world offers, and the joy and the hardships that come with being part of humanity.
She has worked as a behavioral psychotherapist and couples therapist for the past thirty plus years as well as being a supervisor for other colleagues. The sciences and psychology were a welcome haven at a time she did not know how to live and be confident with what she today calls her gifts of being a spiritual intuitive, an empath, clairsentient and clairaudient—feeling the emotions and stories of others without being told and hearing that which cannot be heard by most others.
Her own journey of asking questions about her purpose and following the path of recurring dreams she had had, led to answers in her lineage and spirituality. Her desire to connect with God/ Spirit, Nature, the Cosmos, and Community finding orientation, amplified her inward journey. It was not until her late forties that she fully committed to living her true purpose and reason for being here. One of the answers to living her purpose lies in her connection with the ancestors, the earth and cosmic realm. In upholding this connection, there is an infinite stream of wisdom, guidance, love, support, teachings and skills she taps into, allowing her to remember, create and live her purpose, now.
Living in community with the ancestors is something all indigenous cultures have done for thousands of years and continue to do.
In order to progress as a society in its totality, we must remember our origins, who we are,and rekindle the relationship we have with the ancestors.
Besides her practice in psychotherapy, today Afua does even more of what she loves most—being of service to others. Her deep connection to mother earth, the cosmic realm and to the ancestor’s, grounds her and serves as her teachers.
Afua is most radiant and at her best when she holds space for others to do their spiritual work, as well as when she guides and mentor’s others on their spiritual journey.
She loves helping others remember their essence, build a solid foundation embedded in their spiritual connection to source however they define it—nature, mother earth, the cosmos and community.
She has studied Pranic healing and various energy practices from teachers like Alberto Villoldo, Master Choa Kok Sui’s pranic healing society, Donna Eden, Jeffrey Allen, Vadim Tschenze, Marcel Heyder and Akambi Oluwatoyin enabling her to learn energy and shamanic practices from diverse cultures and indigenous societies.
At present, in addition to psychotherapy, she holds workshops, seminars, various journeying meditation evenings in Germany and internationally.
Afua is married to Peter, she is a mother of two wonderful children and a grandmother of two.